Welcome to The Paper,
Laurens' newest and most exciting gathering place!
You're living in a fast-paced world that's filled with new and exciting technologies. We thought that it would be a wonderful idea to pull some of these new technologies together to create a new type of hometown newspaper--a paper that is dedicated to the things that interest YOU!
How can we be so sure that the news in our paper will be of interest to you and the community as a whole? Well, it should be, because you are actually going to be the reporter!
In the digital world, this is called User Generated Content. Websites like YouTube thrive upon content submitted by the users of the site. We think our paper will thrive with news, articles and photos submitted by you--the reader!
We'll collect the weekly submissions, put them into the form of a readable paper and send it to you via email in the form of a PDF document. You can open the document on your computer and either read it there on the screen or print it out.
At present we intend to have a section dedicated to each of the following:
- Local News
- School News
- Local Sports
- Church News
- Local Business News
- Travel and Entertainment
- Announcements (Births, Weddings, etc.)
- Classified Ads
- Business Ads

Because we will be delivering this paper to you via the internet into your email inbox, the cost of delivery is minimal. We intend to deliver this paper to you free of charge. As the owner of The Paper, I want to see the impact of this project maximized and I don't want anyone to be left out because they cannot afford to subscribe.
Delivered Anywhere
Even while you are away — on vacation, at college or if you've moved away from Laurens — you can still continue to subscribe for free!
Submit From Anywhere
It is easy to submit your news and photos. Simply go to www.ThePaperNow.com and send news! So, if you are away at college you can submit your news. On vacation at Disney World--send in a photo. Wintering in Arizona--send us your "Hole in One" photo. A new Granddaughter in California--let's have a photo! It's easy and, again, it is free!
We'll Edit the Submissions
We fully intend to edit this paper for content. I promise you that there will be nothing printed in this paper that will be considered to be objectionable--no coarse language, questionable photos, etc. So, keep it clean!
Spread the Word
Please take a minute to tell everyone in your email group to come and join our subscribers list. All we need is a name and an email address. Please encourage your friends to submit their stories for publication. Let's have it.
As the owner of The Paper I thank you for your input. User Generated Content can be an absolute blast. In a small town, it may be the best possible way for all of us to share our news--news that's important to all of us!
Remember this is our town and our paper!
Thank you for your help in launching The Paper!
Rod Johnson